How to Apply

Applying to Lower Division

棋牌游戏大全的录取过程是对申请人发展的全面分析, social-emotional, and academic ability and potential.  低级别的申请在九月初开始,有一个 1月15日截止日期(或直到评估名额被填满为止)).  录取决定在3月初到3月中旬公布.  截止日期后收到的申请将被考虑到等待池中.

Admissions Checklist Lower Division

List of 6 items.

  • Campus Visit

    • 我们鼓励家长安排一次校园参观,讨论录取过程.
  • Application

    • Complete the online application.
    • 上传申请人的出生证明和可选的照片.
    • Submit the non-refundable $75 application fee.
    • Once the application is submitted, 招生办公室将与您联系,协调评估日期和家长会.
    • Application Deadline: January 15 (or until assessment slots are filled) - 截止日期后收到的入学申请将被考虑到我们的等待池中.
  • Student Record Release Form (Grades 1-5 only)

    • Print, sign, and submit to the appropriate official at your child’s school (ie. registrar or school principal) after November 15.
    • 完整的表格和记录应直接邮寄或通过电子邮件发送到棋牌游戏平台.
  • Teacher Recommendation Form

    Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten
    • Print and sign Permission for School to Release Student Records, located on the PreK-K School Recommendation Checklist,并于11月15日后送达申请人现就读学校.
    • 推荐信应由您孩子的现任老师填写,并由校长或校长签名.
    • 请将完整的学校推荐清单和成绩单(如果适用)直接转发给招生办公室 before your child’s admissions visit.
    • As a courtesy, 请附上贴上邮票的信封,地址是棋牌游戏平台预科学校低年级招生办公室,或者让老师扫描并将推荐信发送到
    1st-5th Grade
    • Print, sign, and submit after November 15.
    • 在您的孩子的入学访问之前,需要从孩子的现任老师那里获得教师推荐表.
    • 1st Grade Recommendation (for students applying to 1st Grade)
    • 2nd-5th Grade Recommendation (for students applying to 2nd - 5th Grade)
    • As a courtesy, 请附上贴上邮票的信封,地址是棋牌游戏平台预科学校低年级招生办公室,或者让老师扫描并将推荐信发送到
  • Admissions Testing

    • 预计棋牌游戏平台将通过电子邮件确认收到您的申请,并安排您的孩子在12月至2月的评估.
    • Admissions assessments/testing vary by grade level.
  • Financial Aid

    如果您预计申请经济援助,请查看我们的 financial aid webpage for important deadlines and procedures.
棋牌游戏平台做出所有的录取决定,而不考虑学生的经济状况. 那些审查了自己的经济状况并认为可能需要帮助支付学费的家庭应该申请援助. Financial aid 任何年级的学生只要表现出需要,都可以获得奖学金.
Founded in 1960, Berkeley is an independent, Episcopal, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.